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Cheech Marin (Acting)
by david878
Chow Yun-Fat (Acting)
Christopher Lee (Acting)
Carl Weathers (Acting)
Charles Dickens (Writing)
Basil Rathbone (Acting)
Boris Karloff (Acting)
Bruce Campbell (Acting)
Alec Guinness (Acting)
Albert Finney (Acting)
Agatha Christie (Writing)
Antonio Banderas (Acting)
Audie Murphy (Acting)
Anthony Hopkins (Acting)
Sid Haig (Acting)
Rutger Hauer (Acting)
Burgess Meredith (Acting)
Sylvester Stallone (Acting)
W.C. Fields (Acting)
Burt Young (Acting)
Oliver Reed (Acting)
The Gorgon (1964)
The Old Dark House (1963)
Countess Dracula (1971)
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