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Posters for old(er) movies/series and/or series that lack proper season posters. Sometimes blurry and artefacty, sometimes not. I work with what I got. All these were made for our personal Kodi/Plex collection and are now yours as well. If a certain series is missing TPDB/TMDB entries for specials you can find them over at TVDB which is where all the TV posters are backed up and where you can find other artwork goodies I've either collected or created (TV clearlogos/banners/backgrounds - I don't do cleararts, season banners and icons) as well. Movie posters are backed up over at TMDB and over at MEDIUX you can find both, but beware: I'm too lazy to maintain the exact same number of uploads between here and MEDIUX, so TPDB is THE source for all my posters. (+TVDB, but I think I've managed to upload most of my posters from TVDB, give or take 200-300 tops). All posters are in .jpg format. Quality and resolution are on a case-to-case basis since A) Photoshop noob and B) source material quality varies extremely (I use what I find). It is what it is. Take it or leave it. And if you take it, do leave a like. Thank you. Cheers!
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