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Patrick Stewart (Acting)
by HashMaster9000
Denis Villeneuve (Directing)
Anthony Hopkins (Acting)
Danny DeVito (Acting)
Star Trek (1966) - Specials
Alan Tudyk (Acting)
Joe Dante (Directing)
Last Action Hero (1993)
Star Trek: Lower Decks (2020)
David Cronenberg (Directing)
Adam Driver (Acting)
Blade: Trinity (2004)
Matinee (1993)
The Phantom (1996)
The Dunwich Horror (1970)
The Omen Collection
William Shakespeare (Writing)
Liam Neeson (Acting)
Bryan Cranston (Acting)
Harrison Ford (Acting)
Steve Carell (Acting)
Ian McKellen (Acting)
Christopher Guest (Acting)
The Shadow (1994)
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