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GiftUser Bio
Hi everyone!
When I first found TPDb, I was astonished by how much content was being generated by users every day, and some of it was absolutely fantastic original works of art. I could appreciate that because I enjoy others expression.
I .. disdain chaos while living amongst it. My Plex library is chaos with every style of poster everywhere. So I investigated and found users who were making some great stuff, eventually leading me to want to donate my time as well so that others can enjoy unification of their Plex styles too.
I'm starting with TV shows, since I actively DVR via OTA with 4 tuners. Though you may see me grab a show here or there based on recommendations from my Plex that interests me at the time.
I am also a big Hallmark movie fan, so you'll see me posting posters for those as well!
If you have requests, please request here on TPDb or via the TPDb Discord server via my Request thread.
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